MMI Corporation

Welcome to MMI Corporation

About Us

MMI stands for Man Machine Interface. At MMI Corporation, we bridge the gap between humans and computers, creating seamless and efficient systems that cater to your business needs.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to providing you with reliable and user-friendly computer systems. MMI Corporation invests considerable time in crafting tailored system proposals to ensure that our solutions perfectly align with your requirements.

Our Expertise

Since our inception, we have developed a wide range of systems, initially focusing on banking systems and subsequently expanding into various other domains, including:

Open system development
General and management accounting
Fixed asset and cost management
Budget management
Accounts receivable and payable management
Bill printing systems
Lease and fund management
Foreign exchange systems
Sales and stock management
Order and construction management
Process and salary management
Nursing care management systems
Human resources management
Branch office management systems

We possess extensive experience in all aspects of business-related system development. Our approach integrates various systems to create comprehensive, cohesive solutions rather than isolated components.

Specialized Fields

MMI Corporation also specializes in:
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI Systems)
Group and personal information management
Educational institution management (admission, grading, attendance, and more)

Our Approach

At MMI Corporation, we do more than just develop systems; we partner with you to understand your business and provide strategic system consulting, design, construction, implementation, and maintenance. This comprehensive approach sets us apart from traditional consulting and development companies.

Integrated Solutions

We understand the importance of interconnected systems. For example, an order management system must seamlessly integrate with stock and sales management, which in turn must link to accounts receivable and the overall financial system. Our solutions eliminate the need for manual intervention, streamlining your operations.

Contact Us

To learn more about how MMI Corporation can help your business achieve its goals through innovative system solutions, please contact us.


532-0011 JAPAN
Athens-Shin-Osaka 9F

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